Katrine Borup

Vester Søgade 58, 3.th
1601 København V — Denmark

+45 53 34 83 89

Danish Back


"Medallion" is a modern version of a classic jewellery type; it is based on a concrete, old gold medallion, which was integrated into this new piece of jewellery. The old medallion refers back to jewellery history but also to my own personal history, as it is an heirloom. "Medallion" refers to concepts and principles known from traditional historical accounts such as continuity, linearity, development, disruption and repetition.

"Medallion" consists of photographs in passport photo format, arranged into two chains: one chain of identical double-exposures of the back of the old medallion and the back of my head, and a second chain of identical double exposures of the front of the old medallion and my face. Each of the photos has an oval cut-out, which in both chains expands from small to large from one end of the chain to the other. When the photos are stacked, the cut-outs in the centre of the block form a hollow space matching the old medallion.

When "Medallion" is not worn on the body, the photos are stacked, and the jewellery acts as a sort of chest for the old medallion. When the user wears the medallion, it automatically unfolds, and the private inner space that is so characteristic of traditional medallions disappears. "Medallion" may appear to be an "exhibitionist" piece of jewellery, but even though it turns itself inside out, it is still full of secrets. "Medallion" encourages reflection on the relationship between content and surface as well as discussions about whether the line between private and public has shifted because of the way we approach images today – not least on the web.

Medallion again
Col xl medaljon  samlet


Photos, hair, silver and steel

Col xl medaljon  udfoldet


Photos, hair, silver and steel

Col xl medaljon  udsnit


Photos, hair, silver and steel

Col xl medaljon  med original


Photos, hair, silver, steel and old medallion